After midterm exam, all students are already itching to finish their final exam because they are all excited for -our most awaited moment- sembreak. And I won't deny the fact that I'm one of those student. Quite obvious because I mentioned, "OUR most awaited moment". But, things would be different this time.
Due to some reasons and some unavoidable circumstances, our most awaited sembreak is gone. Credits to typhoon ondoy, haha! It's kinda frustrating and disappointing but it's okay. We can do nothing about it.
But who says we do not have a sembreak? We do have a sembreak and basically it's our enrollment period! A week for thousands of enrollees!? I doubt it! Oh well, I don't wanna make comments about that enrollment factor because my main concern here is our sembreak! :) :) :)
And before I forgot, our final exam was moved as well. Now our school calendar is really useless! I just hope that all of these stuffs are not gonna happen this second sem!
I'm gonna miss you sembreak, hahaha! Does that sound pathetic or insane? Whatever!